Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology

released: 1 November 2021
last updated: 1 November 2021


How this list was created

In occasion of the Executive Board meeting on 8 July 2013 the Italian Society of Medical Radiology – SIRM – has officially published 5 high-risk practices of inappropriateness identified by Slow Medicine under the project “Doing more does not mean doing better.”
The Executive Board meeting on 24 June 2021 identified these additional 5 practices in the field of instrumental imaging on children and infants, given the particular peculiarity and significance of the need for appropriateness in pediatric x-ray exposure.
A review of the literature was carried out based on common clinical practices that do not, in most cases, determine a clinical decision. The practices selected were chosen based on lack of efficacy, risk of damage from exposure to ionizing radiation, risk of over-diagnosis and over-treatment, and high diffusion in Italy; also inherently characterized by high costs. The identification of the procedures took into account the ACR appropriateness criteria [] and the agreement between the Italian Minister of Health, the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the document entitled “Guidelines for diagnostic imaging” based on art. 4 of Legislative Decree of the 28th of August 1997, n.281.
Although the “legge 101/ 2020” states that the justification of these practices is a responsibility of the MD Radiologist together with the prescriber, the case law and the daily practice make it difficult to consistently reject these requests in the absence of an appropriate awareness of prescribing doctors and general population.

released: 1 March 2014
last updated: 1 December 2022


How this list was created

In occasion of the Executive Board meeting on 8 July 2013 the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology – SIRM – has officially published 5 high-risk practices of inappropriateness identified by Slow Medicine under the project “Doing more does not mean doing better.” A review of the literature was carried out based on common clinical practices that do not, in most cases, determine a clinical decision. The practices selected were chosen based on lack of efficacy, risk of damage from exposure to ionizing radiation, risk of over-diagnosis and over-treatment, and high diffusion in Italy; also inherently characterized by high costs. The identification of the procedures took into account the ACR appropriateness criteria ( and the agreement between the Italian Minister of Health, the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the document entitled “Guidelines for diagnostic imaging” based on art. 4 of Legislative Decree of the 28th of August 1997, n.281. Sources have been revisioned in December 2022.
Although the D.Lgs. 101/ 2020 del 31 luglio 2020 states that the justification of these practices is a responsibility of the MD Radiologist together with the prescriber, the case law and the daily practice make it difficult to consistently reject these requests in the absence of an appropriate awareness of prescribing doctors and general population.

About this society:

The Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology – SIRM – was founded in 1913 and counts over 11,000 members.
Its purpose is scientific research, cultural updating and training in the study of biomedical imaging, in its physical, biological, diagnostic, radiation protection and IT aspects.
The President remains in office for two years and the twelve councilors for four years.
The organization is present throughout Italy and is divided into 18 Regional Groups and 20 Study Sections (e.g. Breast Care, Thoracic Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Urgency, Ethics, MRI, etc.). The official media branch is the “La Radiologia Medica” the professional scientific journal published in English with IF 6.313. Other radiological publications include: “Journal of Radiological Review” and “Il Radiologo”. The National Congress is held every two years and is attended by around 4,500 members.
The official site: can provide further details.