Do not use the determination of 25OH vitamin D (25OH-D) as a routine or screening test to determine the status of hypovitaminosis without a specific clinical indication.

Do not screen asymptomatic subjects. Do not request an extended panel of thyroid function tests in suspected thyroid function impairment; limit to TSH or TSH Reflex in all cases where it is not contraindicated. Do not require FT3 determination for monitoring levothyroxine therapy in patients with hypothyroidism.

There is currently insufficient evidence to assess the benefit-harm ratio of screening for thyroid dysfunction in asymptomatic adults. Extensive panels of thyroid function tests used in hospital and, in particular, outpatient settings have been found to be less...
Don’t let learners perform procedures directly on patients, without having practiced them in an appropriate simulated model, and without proper tutorial supervision.

Don’t address topics about clinical or organization choices without considering their ethical, social and inter-professional aspects, patient’s expectations and values, and the most appropriate teaching setting (hospital, primary care).

Human relationship is essential in medical care: to exclude from the process of education the relationship between the different actors of the process of care and the natural context where it occurs, fails to prepare learners to cope with the challenges of...