National Association of Nurses for the Prevention of Hospital Infections (FNOPI Professional Society)
5 GREEN recommendations
released: 1 December 2023
last updated: 1 December 2023
How this list was created
ANIPIO (Scientific Society of Nurses Specialists in Infectious Risk), is addressed to all health professionals, patients, and health organizations. ANIPIO’s “Focus” is care-related infection control (ICA) in all treatment settings. Infections are a real problem for the health of citizens, as well as,the issue of environmental protection, which concerns us all.
According to ANIPIO, the 5 practices at risk of inappropriateness look not only at practices with regard to the issue of infectious risk, but also at the protection of our environment. The 5 practices are raised from a careful analysis shared with all members of the Scientific Society, supported by EB, literature review, and comparison with national and international studies. The methodological approach was cared by the ANIPIO GREEN practices working group. Betting as soon as possible on an effective accountability of organizations, professionals and patients, with regard to issues such as the environment and people’s health is crucial for all of us. As a Scientific Society, we have the duty of anticipating future actions and promoting cultural change through awareness-raising campaigns.
released: 1 March 2017
last updated: 1 March 2017
How this list was created
ANIPIO (Scientific Society of Nurses Specialised in Infectious Disease) is a scientific association that works with all healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations and the public at large. The “Heart” of ANIPIO is the control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in all healthcare settings. Infections are a real concern for public health. In fact, a study of prevalence in 30 European countries found that 1 patient in 18 contracts one of these infections in hospital. The 5 practices at risk of being inappropriate for ANIPIO, according to the principle of Slow Medicine “doing more does not mean doing better”, came from a careful analysis shared with all members supported by EB, review of the literature, comparison with national and international studies and sharing with patients/public. The methodological approach was organized by the Academy of Nursing Sciences (ASI).
About this society:
ANIPIO is the National Association of Nurses for the Prevention of Hospital Infections, founded on 27 September 1991 in Bologna, expressing the will of a group of nurses to pool their energies and knowledge to combat hospital infections.
ANIPIO’s mission is:
• Promote professional qualifications and training with regard to risks of infection.
• Carry out studies and research on healthcare-associated infections.
• Disseminate new knowledge about infection control.
• Be a point of reference for risks of infection for professionals, the public and public and private healthcare providers.
For more information: www.anipio.it
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