by cristiano | Oct 17, 2018
Several clinical studies reported that moderately hypofractionated radiation therapy (reducing the total number of fractions with daily fraction >2Gy) may be as effective as conventional fractionation in selected subgroups of patients affected by early stage breast...
by cristiano | Oct 17, 2018
Modern oncology is represented by surgery, radiation therapy and systemic therapies (hormone therapy, chemotherapy, target therapy, immunotherapy). Radiation oncologists are able to manage radiations when used as elective treatment and/or together with systemic...
by cristiano | Oct 17, 2018
Actually, the high level of technologies widely used by the radiation oncologist’ community represents a very important opportunity and benefit for oncological patients because it permits to achieve interesting results in selected subgroups. These results are robust...
by cristiano | Oct 17, 2018
There are very limited evidences regarding the benefit of diaphragmatic breathing administered in order to improve the distribution of ventilation by reducing energy consumption, decrease dyspnea and increase exercise capacity. On the other hand, it has been shown...
by cristiano | Oct 17, 2018
Many studies have shown that it is not possible to selectively activate the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) with respect to vastus medialis longus or even to vastus lateralis. At the same time, no correlation between vastus medialis symptoms and its level of strength...
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