In the clinical evaluation of the patient who has presented a transient loss of consciousness, do not leave out the measurement of blood pressure in the supine and standing position (horizontal and upright position) in order to exclude a condition of persistent orthostatic hypotension.

In the clinical evaluation of the patient who has presented a transient loss of consciousness, do not leave out the measurement of blood pressure in the supine and standing position (horizontal and upright position) in order to exclude a condition of persistent orthostatic hypotension.

Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a reduction in systolic pressure higher than 20 mm Hg or in diastolic pressure higher than 10 mm Hg compared to supine (horizontal position) after 3 minutes of standing (standing position) This condition is not always poorly...
In the clinical evaluation of the patient who has presented a transient loss of consciousness, do not leave out the measurement of blood pressure in the supine and standing position (horizontal and upright position) in order to exclude a condition of persistent orthostatic hypotension.

In the anamnestic reconstruction of a possible transient loss of consciousness, do not fail to clarify whether the characteristics of the suspension of consciousness actually occurred and to draw up a list of all drugs in use.

The loss of consciousness must be adequately witnessed, or the patient must be able to state that for a certain interval of time he has not perceived himself or the surrounding environment; it is common that the diction loss of consciousness is used inappropriately to...
In the clinical evaluation of the patient who has presented a transient loss of consciousness, do not leave out the measurement of blood pressure in the supine and standing position (horizontal and upright position) in order to exclude a condition of persistent orthostatic hypotension.

Don’t recommend Amyloid PET (positron emission tomography) in asymptomatic individuals without cognitive impairment, even in the presence of a familiarity for dementia, and in subjects reporting deficits not confirmed by the neuropsychological evaluation.

Amyloid PET is not a diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s disease but rather an index of cerebral amyloidosis, and may be positive in other forms of dementia (i.e. dementia with Lewy bodies), and in asymptomatic subjects. Furthermore, the accuracy of this exam decreases...
In the clinical evaluation of the patient who has presented a transient loss of consciousness, do not leave out the measurement of blood pressure in the supine and standing position (horizontal and upright position) in order to exclude a condition of persistent orthostatic hypotension.

Don’t recommend brain ¹⁸F-FDG PET (positron emission tomography) in the diagnostic investigation of dementia when clinical and neuropsychological assessment, laboratory tests and basic neuroimaging adequately support diagnosis.

FDG-PET imaging investigates brain glucose hypometabolism. When clinical and neuropsychological assessment, laboratory tests and basic neuroimaging adequately support dementia diagnosis and aetiology, further exams provide inconsistent diagnostic benefits. On the...