Italian Society of Andrology and Sexuality Medicine

released: 1 December 2017
last updated: 1 December 2017


How this list was created

The Executive Council of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS), in collaboration with the Guidelines Committee of the same Society, has identified the 5 clinical practices at greater risk of inappropriateness from a first list of 20 proposals. Subsequently, the Guidelines Committee generated the text of recommendations, which have been debated by the President, the General Secretary and two delegates appointed by the Executive Council, one of whom is the Elected President.The final version of these recommendations has been submitted to the Executive Council and finally approved on 23/10/2017.

About this society:

SIAMS (Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine) is a no profit association with more than 400 members, including physicians, endocrinologists, urologists, internists, biologists, and psychologists operating on the entire Italian nation. The endpoints of SIAMS are to promote information, formation, and basic, translational, and clinical research in the field of andrological sciences and sexual medicine with particular attention to pathophysiological, clinical, endocrine, neuroendocrine, and psychological aspects during the entire period of life of a person and of the couple, having both reproductive and sexual issue as main fields of interest.