Italian Society Parkinson and Movement Disorders
released: 1 December 2017
last updated: 1 September 2022
How this list was created
These 5 recommendations were identified by the Academy for the Study of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders (LIMPE-DISMOV Academy).The five recommendations related to Parkinson’s disease were selected during a meeting of the board of the LIMPE-DISMOV Academy on the basis of a list drawn up by the individual members of the board. Each member of the board has indicated a practice, commonly carried out in Italy, for which there are well-founded reasons to consider possible its inappropriate use, which does not bring significant benefits to patients, but rather a greater incidence of side effects or inadequate care. In the selection process, the board of the LIMPE-DISMOV Academy took into careful consideration the level of evidence of the practices that was recently revised in the “Linea Guida Diagnosi e Terapia della Malattia di Parkinson” published in 2013 and updated in 2015, drafted by LIMPE in collaboration with the “Istituto Superiore di Sanità. All recommendations were revised in 2022.
About this society:
The Italian Society Parkinson and Movement Disorders/LIMPE-DISMOV, was born from the merging of the two major Scientific Associations dedicated to Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders: LIMPE (Lega Italiana per la lotta contro la Malattia di Parkinson, le Sindromi Extrapiramidali e le Demenze – founded in 1974) and DISMOV-SIN (Associazione Italiana Malattia di Parkinson e Disordini del Movimento – founded in 1987). In recent years, a series of elements such as common cultural interests and objectives, the fact that many members of the profession were associates of both societies and, finally, the need for a more rational economic management led to the merging of the two associations in 2014. The objectives of the Society are: constitute a national scientific point of reference to promote and disseminate knowledge in the field of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders in the interest of health professionals and patients; promote and support both clinical and experimental research, and to stimulate the development of clinical protocols, favouring the conduct of multicentric and multidisciplinary studies; contribute to the continuous updating of health professionals in the field of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders; 4. to carry out professional development and continuing healthcare education activities, with annual training programmes in accordance with the national ECM programme; 5. to establish cultural, scientific and practical exchange relations with foundations and/or scientific associations, both national and international, and with associations of healthcare professionals and patients (or their families) that pursue aims similar to those of the Academy; 6. to act as a point of reference with any public and private healthcare bodies,
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