Italian Federation of Primary Care Pediatricians

released: 1 September 2018
last updated: 1 September 2018


How this list was created

FIMP, the Italian Federation of Primary Care Pediatricians to which the most of Italian family pediatricians belongs, worked for a few years on the development of projects aimed at the Good Clinical Practices. In deep harmony with the Choosing Wisely Italy project, FIMP decided to become partner in Slow Medicine. An ad-hoc working group was created and it detected a list of practices likely to be inappropriate within the typical professional characteristics of primary health care. Therefore, it underwent an evaluation of these practices among the members, who were asked the level of agreement/disagreement regarding the recommendations linked to the proposed practices that risk to be inappropriate. The working group analyzed the result of the 1,046 back-responses of questionnaires and it identified the 5 practices most likely to be inappropriate on the basis of the heterogeneity level among the obtained judgment.

About this society:

The Italian Federation of Primary Care Pediatricians (FIMP), with more than 5,300 members, is the most representative organization of Italian primary care pediatricians. In its Statute, FIMP fulfills the role both of category representation and of professional association that pursues cultural and scientific activities in order to increase the quality and competence of its members. As a scientific society, the FIMP is registered in the FISM (Italian Federation of Medical-Scientific Societies) and, as such, cooperates in study activities and in scientific projects in collaboration with the ISS (Italian Higher Institute of Health), the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education. The FIMP Scientific Secretariat is organized by Thematic Areas and by Study Groups. All the activities connected to the Choosing Wisely Project are coordinated by the Good Clinical Practices Area.