Italian Society of Odontostomatological Surgery

released: 31 August 2019
last updated: 31 August 2019


How this list was created

On the occasion of the Consensus held in Messina (8-9 September 2017) and subsequently, during an open meeting (Rome, 13 April 2018), S.I.d.C.O. made official 5 practices with a high risk of inappropriateness, illustrated by the Corporate Delegate Prof. Giacomo Oteri (UNIME) and identified according to Slow Medicine’s indications within the campaign “Doing more does not mean doing better – Choosing Wisely Italy”. A review of the literature was carried out based on the commonly used practices in the clinic that do not determine, in most cases, a correct clinical decision or a correct (efficient and effective) therapy. The selected practices were chosen based on the results of a survey conducted on a sample of generalist dentists to verify the knowledge and degree of operational appropriateness regarding the most frequent oral surgery procedures. The identification of the procedures has taken into account the appropriateness criteria of the Ministry of Health Clinical recommendations in odontostomatology, 2017. Good practices are mainly addressed to dentists, surgeons and oral doctors, general practitioners, but also to the patient community.

About this society:

The Italian Society of Odontostomatological Surgery is an Association of Oral Surgeons and Dentists, founded with the aim of contributing to the scientific and
technical development of Odontostomatological Surgery, to spread the knowledge, to protect the prestige and interests and to promote inclusion of the discipline in the
university institutional seats and in the National Health Service. The Company has no commercial or profit makin g purpose.