Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology

released: 1 July 2015
last updated: 1 July 2015


How this list was created

Through the consultation of the members of the SIBioC executive board, discussing and selecting the numerous proposal received. The selected recommendations present clear and irrefutable evidences internationally recognized.Some of those practices (number 1) represent a bad habit almost exclusively Italian, others (number 2) are more international and are related to the common attitude of introducing new tests without abandoning the old ones.

About this society:

The Professional Society “SIBioC (Italian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology)”, founded in 1969, official member of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine – IFCC – has the following goals:
• bring together professionals working in the field of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine;
• improve the education, favor the professional development and the organization of clinical laboratory workers;
• work for the establishment of courses of specialization with unified programs nationwide;
• promote scientific research in the field of Laboratory Medicine;
• promote the creation of reference laboratories;
• collaborate with National and International Scientific Societies and Federations;
• organize scientific meetings.