College of Italian Rheumatologists
released: 1 November 2016
last updated: 1 November 2016
How this list was created
These recommendations are the result of a working group organized at the department of Rheumatology of the Papardo hospital of Messina, with the subsequent involvement of the rheumatology chair of the University of Palermo, the Sicilian rheumatologists specialists and the board of directors of the Italian College of Rheumatologists. The same president of the College has collaborated in the drafting of an editorial on the topic, which will be published in the Italian Journal of Clinical Rheumatology.
About this society:
The Italian College of Rheumatologists (CReI) pursues the aim of protecting, enhancing and developing the specialized rheumatological structures within the National Health Service and carries out its non-profit activity. The specific purposes of the Association are:
a) to enhance the assistance to rheumatics patients in hospitals and in the area functionally connected to them, in the interest of the community and for the reduction of economic costs;
b) to protect the professional interests of its members;
c) to sensitize the health and political authorities, next to the National Association of Rheumatic Patients (ANMAR), the Italian League against Rheumatic Diseases (LIMaR) and the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR), comparing and collaborating with them.
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