Do not prescribe drugs first in many chronic illness but advise lyfestiles modifications.

Type of practice


Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia, three conditions frequently managed by the General Practitioner (GP), have significant benefits from an educative approach in both prevention and treatment phases, whether in conjunction with pharmacotherapy or independently. Moderate physical activity, an improved diet with a heightened emphasis on plant-based components, and vigilance towards a less polluted environment collectively reduce carbon footprint. This set not only enhances quality of life and survival rates, but also mitigates or eliminates the necessity for pharmacological intervention.
The AIFA, the italian authority on drugs, demandes to GPs to advise lifestyle modifications in cases of moderate cardiovascular risk prior to resorting to pharmacological interventions, even with economical sanction for doctors.


1. xv report Health search
2. Wahid A. et al. Quantifying the association between physical activity and cardiovascular disease and diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016;5:e002495.
3. Dominguez LJ et al. Impact of mediterranean diet on chronic non-communicable diseases and longevity. Nutrients. 2021;13:2028.
4. Shah UA, et al. Personal and planetary health—the connection with dietary choices. JAMA. 2023; 319; 1823-4. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.6118.
5. Joshi SS, et al. Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: the Paul Wood Lecture, British Cardiovascular Society 2021. Heart. 2022;108:1267-1273.
6. AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco nota 13.



Attention. Please note that these items are provided only for information and are not intended as a substitute for consultation with a clinician. Patients with any specific questions about the items on this list or their individual situation should consult their clinician.