Biodiversity. Antibiotics: only when indispensables! For common respiratory infections (colds, rhinosinusitis, cough/bronchitis, flu syndromes) and bacteria in the urine without symptoms, do not prescribe antibiotics, because generally they are useless, and expose patient and family to risks, both present and future. The rule is to avoid them, leaving to doctors’ autonomy the assessment of any exception.

Biodiversity. Antibiotics: only when indispensables! For common respiratory infections (colds, rhinosinusitis, cough/bronchitis, flu syndromes) and bacteria in the urine without symptoms, do not prescribe antibiotics, because generally they are useless, and expose patient and family to risks, both present and future. The rule is to avoid them, leaving to doctors’ autonomy the assessment of any exception.

Microrganisms are always important, and in particular in the early years of development. Few germs are pathogenic: most of them make us live and grow in health. The above infections are mainly from viruses, against which antibiotics (AB) are useless. Even when caused...