Do not modify, reduce, or discontinue usual therapies without a specific clinical indication in children and adolescents with chronic disease and COVID-19.

Discourage pediatric patients attending the Emergency Room with mild symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 or if they are contacts of SARS-CoV-2 positive patients in the absence of symptoms and do not delay access to Health Services if children and adolescents present with any clinical condition indicative of possible serious illness (whether or not related to presumed COVID-19 infection).

Children appear to be less affected by COVID-19 than adults, with a milder clinical presentation and a significantly lower mortality rate. However, serious complications, such as temporarily COVID-19-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), which can be...

Supplements: expectations without basis

Taking vitamin and mineral supplements in order to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease is unnecessary and in some cases potentially dangerous. In fact, studies do not confirm protective effects for most of these supplements against tumors and cardiovascular...

Tap water is better

It is better to choose tap water instead of mineral water at home: it is just as good, safe and controlled. Bottled mineral water is not necessarily healthier, has a negative impact on the environment and is an unnecessary expense. The water in the aqueduct is subject...