Before entering in the room and starting the examination, don’t forget to ask the doctor/tutor informations about the patient’s state of health and don’t engage in diagnostic procedures without previously obtaining informed consent from the patient.

Before entering in the room and starting the examination, don’t forget to ask the doctor/tutor informations about the patient’s state of health and don’t engage in diagnostic procedures without previously obtaining informed consent from the patient.

As students, we are often tempted to take every occasion to put to practice on the patients everything we have learned during our theoretical studies. Despite this understandable propension, it is imperative to remember to consider the patient not as a test subject to...
Before entering in the room and starting the examination, don’t forget to ask the doctor/tutor informations about the patient’s state of health and don’t engage in diagnostic procedures without previously obtaining informed consent from the patient.

Don’t perform any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure without having previously collected the medical history and information on possible allergies or pre-existing diseases of the patient.

The collection of the medical history represents, in most cases, the first contact with the patient, including the family history and the remote and prior pathological history. It is thus fundamental that the medical history collects as many details including, indeed,...
Before entering in the room and starting the examination, don’t forget to ask the doctor/tutor informations about the patient’s state of health and don’t engage in diagnostic procedures without previously obtaining informed consent from the patient.

Don’t observe the patient only from the biological point of view but consider also the subjective component of the disease, the level of health literacy and the familial and social context in which the patient is inserted.

It’s fundamental that medical students are aware of the importance of a doctor-patient relationship within which the patient is considered in its entirety and not as a passive receiver of assistance. Such relationship is essential to the realization of an effective...