Nutrition: Limit the foods of animal origin and industrial production. Give preference to fruits, vegetables, whole  cereals and  legumes, better if fresh, from your local area, and cultivated according to current season and in a biological way.

Nutrition: Limit the foods of animal origin and industrial production. Give preference to fruits, vegetables, whole cereals and legumes, better if fresh, from your local area, and cultivated according to current season and in a biological way.

The diet must be healthy, varied, balanced and moderate following the general guidelines of the so-called “Food Pyramid”, which involves less use of resources and less pollution (“Ecological footprint”). A vegetarian change would not only...
Do not use drugs that may worsen the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as anti-dopaminergic, alphalitic and anticholinergic drugs, without consulting your neurologist.

Do not use brain scintigraphic examinations such as brain SPECT (Single Photon Emission Tomography) with dopamine transporter marker (DAT-SCAN) or myocardial examination with Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) as well as positron emission brain tomography (PET) with any radionuclide, for diagnostic confirmation of Parkinson’s disease or to evaluate its progression.

The finding of a positive brain SPECT (single photon emission tomography) scan with dopamine transporter marker (DAT-SCAN) does not establish a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, which is instead based on the presence of clinical elements that meet the current...
Nutrition: Limit the foods of animal origin and industrial production. Give preference to fruits, vegetables, whole  cereals and  legumes, better if fresh, from your local area, and cultivated according to current season and in a biological way.

Biodiversity. Antibiotics: only when indispensables! For common respiratory infections (colds, rhinosinusitis, cough/bronchitis, flu syndromes) and bacteria in the urine without symptoms, do not prescribe antibiotics, because generally they are useless, and expose patient and family to risks, both present and future. The rule is to avoid them, leaving to doctors’ autonomy the assessment of any exception.

Microrganisms are always important, and in particular in the early years of development. Few germs are pathogenic: most of them make us live and grow in health. The above infections are mainly from viruses, against which antibiotics (AB) are useless. Even when caused...