Don’t routinely prescribe proton pump inhibitors (PPI) for gastrointestinal bleeding profilaxis in patient with single drug antiplatelet therapy in absence of additional risk factors

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Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding risk is increased in presence of double antiplatelet treatment. Risk factors for GI bleeding are: previous GI bleeding, peptic ulcer, advanced age, NSAIDs or steroid drugs use, oral anticoagulant therapy. In absence of risk factors, PPI therapy is not warranted for single drug antiplatelet treatment.


1. ACCF/ACG/AHA 2008 Expert Consensus Document on Reducing the Gastrointestinal Risks of Antiplatelet Therapy and NSAID Use. A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents. JACC 2008 Vol. 52, No. 18: 1502-17.
2. ACCF/ACG/AHA 2010 Expert Consensus Document on the Concomitant Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Thienopyridines: A Focused Update of the ACCF/ACG/AHA 2008 Expert Consensus Document on Reducing the Gastrointestinal Risks of Antiplatelet Therapy and NSAID Use. A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents. JACC 2010 Vol. 56, No. 24: 2051– 66.
3. PPI e prevenzione del sanguinamento gastrointestinale farmaco indotto. Giorn Ital End Dig 2010; 33: 107-111.



Attention. Please note that these items are provided only for information and are not intended as a substitute for consultation with a clinician. Patients with any specific questions about the items on this list or their individual situation should consult their clinician.