Italian Hospital Obstetricians Gynecologists Association
released: 15 October 2019
last updated: 15 October 2019
How this list was created
In 2018 the WHO published the 56 Recommendations to allow the childbirth to be a positive and not only safe experience for mothers and neonates. Among these recommendations we started to analyze what we believe are to be implemented and consolidated more urgently in Italian obstetric practice. We therefore submitted to a group of obstetricians the request to indicate the first five recommendations of a subsequent series among things not to do in the context of birth attendance because not supported by evidence of effectiveness.
About this society:
AOGOI (Associazione Ostetrici Ginecologi Ospedalieri Italiani) is the scientific association that gathers the majority of the hospital obstetricians, the private, the territory and the Italian independent professionals. Members are about 5.000 and each Italian region is represented by a regional section. The aim of the association is to promote the members’ professional growth, the scientific production, drafting of guidelines and recommendations, to organize regional and national meetings and congresses, to produce texts and updating reviews and also to support not only its members but the whole Italian obstetrical world in the daily clinical activity with all available means so that the birth event is not only safe but also a positive /
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