Multidisciplinary Association of Geriatrics

released: 31 August 2019
last updated: 31 August 2019


How this list was created

President of Multidisciplinary Association of Geriatrics (AMGe ) invited members of Executive Committee to discuss tests and treatments commonly used in geriatric population that do not provide meaningful benefit for patients. A workgroup of member fellows representing a broad range of clinical expertise (geriatricians, internal medicine specialists, nurses and other members of healthcare staff) identified the list of recommendation relying on clinical experience and literature review. This list is going to be launched during 2019 AMGe National Meeting and thoroughly discussed in events organized by the regional AMGe sections.

About this society:

AMGe is a Multidisciplinary Association of Geriatrics which involves and represents geriatrics professionals from all disciplines (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers). AMGe is dedicated to interdisciplinary care of older adults in acute and community settings and strives to provide education and training of geriatrics professionals, cooperation between patients- healthcare professionals- institutional partners, research into the healthcare of older people, sharing of best practice with other Scientific Societies. AMGe main focus is on healthy and sick older people. It rejects all form of discrimination on the basis of age (ageism) and facilitates access to health care, rehabilitation and social care for older citizens