Italian Association of Medical Diabetologists

released: 1 February 2015
last updated: 1 February 2015


How this list was created

AMD has promoted NICE (Need is core of effectiveness) so that Italian diabetology works according to clinical models of appropriateness and sustainability. The Measured Diabetology project group is a task force whose role is to promote proposals of a technical nature and also aimed at organizing in a competent and transparent way, and founded on exact data in order to promote sustainable diabetology. In the first work phase, supporting the “Choosing Wisely” campaign and with the collaboration of Slow Medicine, we identified five inappropriate practices, following this step-by-step analysis:
1. Each member of the Measured Diabetology group, working with the group’s in- and out-patient coordinators identified 4-5 practices;
2. 15 proposals for inappropriate practices were collected, two of which were excluded for being similar;
3. Every member gave each practice a points score from 1 to 15, according to the pondered choice method ,indicating also the degree of relevance and clinical applicability;
4. Each member used a customized format proposed by Slow Medicine;
5. Reports were discussed together;
6. 5 practices were selected which were given a high points score and these were proposed to the National Directive Council for approval and dissemination to the whole of the scientific community.

About this society:

The Italian Association of Medical Diabetologists – AMD founded in 1974, intends to make the most of the specific and unique role of the diabetologist and of the “tailored team”, in accordance with a systemic and ethical perspective, towards continuous improvement of treatment of patients with metabolic illnesses and/or diabetes, through training, research, clinical control, professional independence, rapport with institutions, with other scientific communities, professional associations and patients.