Don’t routinely require general blood tests, general coagulation tests or tests for trombophylia to prescribe hormonal contraceptive medications.

Type of practice
Laboratory tests
AdultWhen prescribing hormonal contraceptive medications and tests it is reccomended to get an accurate personal and family history, measure blood pressure. It is recommended to offer a choice between different contraceptive metods and a good quality counselling, that takes in consideration both clinical and personal needs or preferences of women and couples. When prescribing estro-progestinic methods prefer ones with lower thrombotic risk.
1. Istituto Superiore di Sanità: Conferenza nazionale di consenso: Prevenzione delle complicanze trombotiche associate all’uso di estro-progestinici in età riproduttiva. Roma 18-19 settembre 2008.
2. OMS: Criteri medici per la contraccezione (Medical eligibility criteriafor contraceptive use – fourth edition, 2009.
3. EMA: benefits of combined hormonal contraceptives continue to outweigh risks – CHMP endorses PRAC reccomendation. Product information to be updated to help women make informed decisions about their choice of contraception (22/11/2013).
Attention. Please note that these items are provided only for information and are not intended as a substitute for consultation with a clinician. Patients with any specific questions about the items on this list or their individual situation should consult their clinician.
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