Don’t encourage the use of defensive medicine practices.

Type of practice
Other health practices
Topic Area
Forensic MedicineThe forensic discipline is involved in academic training, business activities, hospital care, operating freelance, advice to judicial authorities, etc in order to support culture of both clinical appropriateness and scientific evidence as benchmarks for professional conduct. The forensic discipline strives to fight the so-called requirements “for medical purposes” in any sphere of competence.
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2. Elli L, Tenca A, Soncini M, Spinzi G, Buscarini E, Conte D. Defensive medicine practices among gastroenterologists in Lombardy: between lawsuits and the economic crisis. Dig Liver Dis 2013; 45: 469-73.
3. Di Landro AR. Criminal law as a response to medical malpractice: pluses and minuses--comparing Italian and U.S. experiences. Med Law 2012; 31: 221-63.
4. Catino M, Celotti S. The problem of defensive medicine: two Italian surveys. Stud Health Technol Inform 2009; 148: 206-21.
5. Olivetti L, Fileni A, De Stefano F, Cazzulani, Battaglia G, Pescarini L. The legal implications of error in radiology, Radiol Med 2008; 113(4): 599-608.
6. Benciolini P ”…a scopo medico legale”, Riv It Med Leg,1991;13: 689-699.
Attention. Please note that these items are provided only for information and are not intended as a substitute for consultation with a clinician. Patients with any specific questions about the items on this list or their individual situation should consult their clinician.
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