Don’t draw biased opinion in terms of health professional responsibilities, which may lead to false expectations in the assisted

Type of practice
Other health practices
Topic Area
Forensic MedicineForensics endeavors to achieve equal and rigorous ethical and scientific commitment in any field its advice may be devised, avoiding manipulation and distortion of clinical, scientific and technical data , in the knowledge that advice remote from reality not only may develop useless tools in debates , but it can moreover trigger undesirable compensation mechanisms by the customer, ultimately encouraging health professionals o resort to defensive medicine even more.
1. Codice di deontologia medica, 2014, art.62.
2. Aprile A, Bolcato M, Fabbri L D, Rodriguez D, Proposta di un indicatore di qualità nella valutazione medico-legale della responsabilità professionale in ambito sanitario, Riv It Med Leg, 2014;36: 1180-1178.
3. Barni M, Consulenza medico legale e responsabilità medica, ed. Giuffrè Milano, 2002.
Attention. Please note that these items are provided only for information and are not intended as a substitute for consultation with a clinician. Patients with any specific questions about the items on this list or their individual situation should consult their clinician.
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