Heartburn and proton pump inhibitors

Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are very widely sold drugs, useful in reducing the production of stomach acid. They should not be prescribed for minor disturbances and, in any case, should never be prescribed lightly as they can cause major side effects. The continuous use of PPIs is probably correlated with an increased risk of intestinal and lung infections in the short term, and bone fracture after a year of use.

Advice from Altroconsumo

- Heartburn, like all common minor digestive disturbances (swelling, fullness, nausea, belching…), may often resolve simply by changing one’s lifestyle, particularly at the table.
- Special consideration should be given to eating well and slowly, chewing properly and paying attention to eating habits (not in front of the TV, for example), losing weight if necessary, quitting smoking and avoiding foods and beverages that bring on symptoms. If symptoms don’t improve, it is best to consult a doctor.
- When acidity is the prevailing symptom, it is often sufficient to turn to a baking soda-based antacid, magnesium salts or a combination of magnesium salts and aluminium. If the symptoms still do not improve, it is best to consult a doctor.
- If the problem does not resolve or presents itself again, it is best to consult a doctor for further evaluations.

Questions to your doctor

If the doctor prescribes a test, medication or surgery, remember that “Doing more does not mean doing better” and ask:

  • Do I really need this exam/treatment?
  • What are the risks?
  • Are there simpler and safer alternatives?
  • What happens if I don’t take this exam/treatment?

Download the document and bring it to your doctor to discuss

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In collaboration with

SIMG - The Italian College of General Practice and Primary Care

The information available in this tool is a clue to talk to your doctor or trusted professional. It is not a substitute for information and advice that you can get by contacting them directly.

To find out more and to know the sources used, consult the Altroconsumo website and the Choosing Wisely Italy website