Caution with anti-inflammatories against pain

Along with paracetamol, the most frequently purchased analgesics in Italy are NSAIDS, or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. What we are talking about are known medications, like Aspirin, Aulin, Moment, Voltaren and many generic drugs. Although they are highly disseminated, these medications can present serious risks of side-effects. They should not be prescribed or taken lightly. Existing studies, in fact, suggest that doctors need to take greater caution both in the initial choice and the continuation of therapy.

Advice from Altroconsumo

- For a brief pain treatment, paracetamol is the first medication of choice. As it does not cause gastric damage, it is particularly suitable for people who suffer from stomach problems, pregnant women and children. Be careful, however, not to take more than the recommended dose, as this may cause very serious consequences, particularly for the liver.
- Use painkillers only for brief periods of time. If the pain continues, discuss an appropriate treatment with the appropriate doctor.
- Pain is a symptom of the problem. To eliminate it, action must be taken on the problem itself. For example, back and joint pains may be prevented and countered with physical activity and lifestyle changes.
- It is best to avoid medications that contain combinations of various active substances. The effectiveness does not improve and the risk of side-effects increases.
- Favour generic drugs, or those with the active substance in the name. They have the same effectiveness and cost less.
- Paracetamol is an alternative to anti-inflammatories. It doesn't cause damage to the stomach and that is why it is the first medication of choice, suitable for people who suffer from stomach problems, pregnant women and children.

Questions to your doctor

If the doctor prescribes a test, medication or surgery, remember that “Doing more does not mean doing better” and ask:

  • Do I really need this exam/treatment?
  • What are the risks?
  • Are there simpler and safer alternatives?
  • What happens if I don’t take this exam/treatment?

Download the document and bring it to your doctor to discuss

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In collaboration with

SIMG - The Italian College of General Practice and Primary Care

The information available in this tool is a clue to talk to your doctor or trusted professional. It is not a substitute for information and advice that you can get by contacting them directly.

To find out more and to know the sources used, consult the Altroconsumo website and the Choosing Wisely Italy website