Air: do not consume fuels of “fossil” origin (coal, oil, gas). Whenever possible, use renewable energy (solar, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, energy-saving buildings) and reduce the use of private vehicles in the city by encouraging the use of: bicycles, public transport, shared private vehicles, pedestrian mobility. Limit travel by plane as much as possible by favoring the use of the train, not necessarily at High Speed. Try to oppose against the fashion of cruise tourism.

Air: do not consume fuels of “fossil” origin (coal, oil, gas). Whenever possible, use renewable energy (solar, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, energy-saving buildings) and reduce the use of private vehicles in the city by encouraging the use of: bicycles, public transport, shared private vehicles, pedestrian mobility. Limit travel by plane as much as possible by favoring the use of the train, not necessarily at High Speed. Try to oppose against the fashion of cruise tourism.

Air pollution is the basis of many respiratory (bronchial asthma, COPD) cardio-circulatory (heart attack, thrombosis, stroke) and neoplastic (lung cancer) diseases. The main causes of air pollution are industrial activity, domestic heating and unsustainable ways of...