Articles and other documents concerning Choosing Wisely Italy

Articles and other documents concerning Choosing Wisely Italy
Choosing Wisely: the reasons for its success.
Editorial on Choosing Wisely by Marco Bobbio and Sandra Vernero on Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 2019.
Choosing Wisely in cardiology: Five proposals from the Italian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation.
Article by Marika Werren and colleagues published in Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 2019 on the 5 recommendations of GICR- IACPR in Choosing Wisely Italy
Choosing Wisely Italy: online survey on opinions and behaviors of 1006 people and 355 volunteers of healthcare advocacy associations.
Article published in the European Journal of Public Health with the results of a survey of opinions and behaviors of the general public regarding tests and treatments
A survey carried out among Italian physicians regarding
unnecessary clinical examinations, treatments and procedures in the current clinical practice: results and considerations.
Choosing wisely in Allergology: a Slow Medicine approach to the discipline promoted by the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (SIAAIC)
Article published in the journal Clinical and Molecular Allergy on the 5 recommendations of SIAAIC
February 2015
Italy’s Slow Medicine: a new paradigm in medicine.
Article published in Recenti Progressi in Medicina containing the description of Italy’s Slow Medicine and the launch of Choosing Wisely Italy
Looking for waste and inappropriateness: if not now, when?
Article published in the journal Internal and Emergency Medicine on the Choosing Wisely Italy campaign
Meeting Choosing Wisely, Milan 21 February 2019
Program and downloadable presentations of the meeting Choosing Wisely Italy – Presentation of the new App and meeting of the networks, held in Milan on 21/2/2019
I Congress Choosing Wisely Italy, Milan March 23, 2018
Program and downloadable presentations of the congress held in Milan on 23/3/2018
Choosing Wisely: bridging the gap from theory to practice
Presentations of the Symposium organized by the Cantonal Hospital Authority, as part of the Choosing Wisely Switzerland Campaign, held in Lugano on 15/9/2017
Evidence Live 22-24 June 2016
Slow medicine participation and the “doing more does not mean doing better – Choosing Wisely Italy” at the fifth edition of the conference
Choosing Wisely: the Dutch experience
Interview with Wilco Peul, director of the Dpt of Neurosurgery University of Leiden NL. – Choosing Wisely Netherlands (Rome, May 2016)
Choosing Wisely: the Canadian experience
Interview with Wendy Levinson, chair of Choosing Wisely Canada and coordinator of Choosing Wisely International (Rome, May 2016)